Tuesday 24 March 2020

Coronavirus Outbreak

We all know what is going on around the world today so I just wanted to say, keep safe everyone wash your hands, keep your distance, don't touch your face and only leave your house if you really need to. All the best to everyone!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Rhys
    Good poster and also it's pretty sad that a lot of people a dying because of it. But this would help a lot of people out because your warning them. Interesting Work
    Keep it Up
    Viliami T//Glenbrae School

  3. Kia Orana Rhys
    My name is Dwyane and I am from Glenbrae School.
    This poster is so helpful. This poster will remind people to keep healthy and wash their hands frequently.
    Keep blogging.

    1. Thanks Dwyane, I hope you have been keeping safe and enjoying the new lifestyle!
      - Rhys

  4. Hi Rhys

    How are you doing during the Level 4 lockdown? I hope things are good at your house?
    This is a fantastic post all about the things that we should all be doing to keep ourselves safe during this time. Well done for posting this to your blog.
    The really big message from it is to 'wash your hands' that is so important.
    This is the one thing that we did when I was overseas recently. We made sure that we always washed and sanitised our hands regularly.

    Make sure that you check out the Totara site for some work and fun things to do while you are at home during this time.
    I look forward to reading some of your work over the next few weeks!

    Talk again soon!

    Mrs Costello :)

  5. Thanks Mrs Costello, Things are going well at my house and I hope it is the same where you are locked down, stay safe.
    - Rhys


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