Tuesday 22 October 2019

Persuasive writing (AGAIN?)

This week our teacher set us the task of creating a persuasive piece of writing about our school athletics and whether it should be compulsory or not, here's mine.

Athletics: To be compulsory or not to be?

Today I am arguing whether athletics should be compulsory or not, I personally think that athletics should be done in all schools because if you have nothing to do this might be for you.

Fitness, as students we need to keep our fitness up so we can live a healthy life. If you become fit and you find that you like athletics then you will have a new hobby that you didn’t know about. Even if you don’t like athletics it is half a day of hanging out having a laugh with your friends in your age group.

Hobbies, If you are looking for a new hobby try athletics because if you haven’t tried it before you might have a new hobby on your hands. In athletics there are many different things to test a lot of different muscles so for example, if you have a lot of arm strength you might want to try discus or shot put or if you are fast you could go in the sprints no matter what it is, see if you like it because if you do you can train and maybe go professional.

Fresh air, I might sound like your parents a bit in this paragraph but, a lot of people are stuck on their devices so if you enjoy doing athletics it would be a good thing to keep you occupied away from your screen. This would be good for you if you feel your life revolves around devices it could become a habit for you because if it is a nice day you can go outside and practice, practice, practice.

In conclusion, I feel that all students should participate in athletics because it keeps you fit, it can give you something to do and it will get everyone off their Chromebooks to enjoy themselves and try something new, and who knows what will happen!

By Rhys Anderson

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