Wednesday, 12 June 2019

Finders Keepers

This week my reading group has been reading 'Finders Keepers' by Emily Rodda it is a science fiction book about a kid who gets sucked into a game show. Here is some writing that I have done about it

Name: Finders Keepers by Emily Rodda
Genre: Science Fiction
Characters: Patrick, Claire, Danny, Judith, Paul, Estelle, Michael.

Summary of what I have read so far:

Patrick, a teenage boy One day in the middle of that week Patrick was walking home but on the way there he stopped at the computer store. He entered the computer store and looked around for a computer that was on. He found one that was humming to itself, he tried pressing a key, it suddenly lit up Patrick started playing the game on it, he moved around and found a chest filled with treasure, he collected it, the screen went black. A message popped up, it said, WHO ARE YOU WHO ARE YOU WHO ARE YOU. Patrick, typed Patrick. “Congratulations Patrick”, It read, “You have been selected to play ‘Finders Keepers’. To play go on channel 8 at 10 am on Saturday”. Patrick stopped for a second and ran home in excitement. On saturday Patrick and his mother, Judith went to the chestnut village mall to buy some new shoes for Patrick. After they had bought the shoes Judith said she was going to get a cuppa, so they went to the coffee shop and they were going to watch the big Chestnut village clock strike ten. Patrick asked his mother if he could watch from the other side of the mall, she let him, so he went over but he went to the tv store instead and a game show was on and there was a presenter on the screen, the presenter said, “Come on down Patrick.” And everything went blurry and Patrick got sucked into the TV. He opened his eyes and he was in this place with a crowd and there was that presenter on TV he saw just before.

Character development:
Patrick: Patrick is a (presumably) teenage boy who likes computers but doesn’t have one, and he got sucked into a TV in the mall into a game show that he got invited to earlier in the week.

Danny: Danny is Patrick’s toddler brother that I don’t know much about.

Claire: Claire is Patrick’s older sister and that is all I know about her.

Judith: Judith is Patrick’s mother that has taken him to the mall to buy him shoes at the chestnut tree village.

Paul: Paul is Patrick’s father that hasn’t been included in this story a lot.

Did you like it? Let me know!

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